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All Teams must provide balls. 

High School Federation Rules 

Teams can agree to swing wood or BBCOR UNLESS TOURNEY IS WOOD BAT ONLY



Age Restrictions

Your High School Graduation Year

Teams are allowed to roster a maximum of 4 players that are one grad year older on their roster



2 hour time limit on all games... inning can finish but game can finish in tie

No new innings after 1:45

All Games are 7 inning games or expiration of time


No xtra innings will be played if time has expired 

8 run rule after 5 innings 

10 run rule after 4 innings 

12 run rule after 3 innings

20 at any time 

Extra innings - California rule - no outs runner on 2B 

Home teams DETERMINED VIA COIN FLIP AT HOME PLATE - Host teams always home team in POOL PLAY



2 hour time limit unless game is tied.... games cannot end in tie

Extra innings - California rule - no outs runner on 2B 

Home team determined by seeding 

8 run rule after 5 innings 

10 run rule after 4 innings 

12 run rule after 3 innings

20 at any time

Home Team determined by better seed/if seeding does not apply then via coin flip




A protest is only available for a violation or misapplication of a rule, not for coach/fan/player disagreement with an umpire’s judgement call (ie. ball and strikes, out and safe). Pitching limitations are not eligible for protest. Protests must be filed and ruled on before the next pitch if during a game, or before umpires leave field if after a game. The team protesting must make cash payment of $100 at the time of protest and the protest will only be heard and ruled upon by the tournament committee. If the protest is ruled in the protesting team’s favor, the $100 will be refunded to the team.



It is required that all teams, coaches, and fans comply with all tournament and facility rules. Team managers/head coaches MUST have full control of their players and parents at all times. This means “on” and “off” the field. Tournament Directors and hosts have the authority to eject a player, fan or team anytime during the tournament for threatening with physical harm, physical attack, abusive language, destruction of property, or failure to pay. The tournament committee reserves the right to eject any person from the site for unruly or unsportsmanlike behavior. Any physical altercation between two teams before, during, or after a contest could result in the removal of both teams from the remainder of the event and future events.



Any player, coach, manager, spectator and fan that is ejected from a game shall be suspended and removed for the remainder of that game only. Any individual ejected must leave the complex and exit to the parking lot. *If a team is hitting a continuous lineup, the ejected player’s spot in the lineup will remain and his team is forced to take an out. Any player or coach that acts maliciously or performs an act with intent to injure, the tournament committee has the final say in the penalty for that individual(s). Any individual that gets ejected for a second time in a tournament shall be removed and eliminated from participating in the remainder of that tournament.


RAin out refund

- If Zero Games are played 100% of entry fee will be returned as a credit for a future event run by COBSBL.

- If Zero Games are played 100% of entry fee will be returned as a credit for a future event run by COBSBL.

- If 33% of your guaranteed tournament games are played 40% of entry fee will be returned as a credit for a future event run by COBSBL.

- If you play 2 or more of your scheduled games, that is considered a full tournament.

- Credits are valid for 15 months from the time of the cancelled event.


- Gate fees are nonrefundable

- cobsbl will do everything possible to play all scheduled games.


Team Withdrawal Policy

- Teams that withdraw from an event after an event is sold out will not receive any refund or credit.

- Teams that withdraw within 30 days of an event will not receive any refund or credit.

- Teams that withdraw within 45 days of an event will be charged $150.

- teams that withdraw 60 day prior to the event will receive a full refund credit minus any cc fees.

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