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Address Map Link: 7200 Quebec Pkwy, Commerce City CO. 80022
Adams City HS: Local Weather Conditions
Field location: Xxx
Parking: Xxx
Surrounding Community
Mascot: Eagles
Head Coach: Rich Ramirez
Playing Surface: Natural grass infield and outfield.
Dimensions of field: Left Field 330 ft./Center Field 375 ft./Right Field 330 ft.
Field Direction: Faces East
Batting Cages Available: Tunnel down RF line.
Lights: No
Bleachers: Bleachers behind home plate and 1B/3B lines. (Home 1B/Visitors 3B)
Restrooms on Site: N/A
Shade: N/A
Concession: N/A
Schedule and more: MaxPreps
Website: Link
History and Tradition:
League Champs:
Comments: JV field located next to Varsity field
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